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Surveys and sweets for Quesnel’s Accessibility Committee

The group will be handing out surveys and cookies to boost engagement for accessibility week
The accessibility committee was created in 2023 and has been working to create an accessiblity plan for the city. (Kevin Laird/Sooke News Mirror)

Members of Quesnel’s accessibility committee will be at Spirit Square Friday (May 31st) to hand out surveys and answer the community’s questions about accessibility in the city.

The committee was started in 2023 to give input about accessibility to city council. They are currently working on a full accessibility plan to present to council and the community.

The committee’s role is to work with council, the province and the community to make the city more accessible for all and to ensure people with disabilities can participate in activities across the city. They also aim to increase accessibility awareness in the city through events and engagement like the community survey.

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As a sweet bonus, the committee will be handing out cookies from Quesnel Bakery along with the surveys so they recommend heading there early while supplies last.

The accessibility survey is available on the city website for those who don’t attend the event on the May 31st but wish to share their thoughts. The survey will help the committee identify barriers and gaps to address in their accessibility plan.

About the Author: Austin Kelly

Born and raised in Surrey, I'm excited to have the opportunity to start my journalism career in Quesnel.
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